Thursday, 27 August 2020

Tuesday, 18 August 2020


 today i will be talking to you what we need to do for work at wainui beach school we need to do priorities as you can see in the title but also priorities sound easy but when you first stat its hard but when you get the hang of it it is sooooooo easey . now this is what we have to do in 4 days. x2 word work, 1 quick wright with fifty word s in each parra graft ( we have to write for parra grafts ) . maths whizz 30 min a day. blog post i am doing right now. and evadints  so like fulcey tutor and ninja maths, recrafting and other stuff,   soo thats what we have to do in 4 days!!

Tuesday, 4 August 2020


OVER HERE! This is what i have been working on in my spare time.